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Wcc3 release date

    Wcc3 game release date Hello bloggers, hi I am back. This time we will discuss about world cricket championship 3. Yes guys its true. This game will be bigger better than that wcc2. Wcc3 will be coming out to your devices soon. Things we know so far is that next wave multimedia created a game and launched on play store it was wcc. After wcc next wave multimedia move to wcc2. Wcc2 was a big launch and it was hit and it become more popular. This game was also in list of india top 10 games. It also received many awards. There was a big hype created for update but they don't meet expectation of fans. So here we will get new game Wcc3. So wcc3 is needed to be released. Maybe they release career mode and live multiplayer in their wcc3 game. They could also improve graphics in their that game because if they do it in wcc2 then there will be lot of bugs as in game now. Stay tuned for more information ! Watch complete video below for details

Wcb game beta version features

Wcb game beta version features revealed Wcb stands for world cricket battle. Its an android and iOS upcoming game. Their developers creative monkey games were working on this game from 1 Year and 7 months. Now they said its beta version is coming. Wcb game is much awaited game as it was confirmed release date many times but then postponed. Now will they release or not ? Its a big question. What I think they will release it because they improved the game a lot which is awesome. Another question which features are coming in beta version? So I will answer this because many features are coming in beta version and are revealed. Features coming in beta version: 1: CAREER MODE… 2: LIVE MULTIPLAYERMULTIPLAYER 3: CHALLENGES 4: DRS 5: PLENTY OF STADIUMS 6: 50+ SHOTS 7: 100 ANIMATIONS 8: 25 EMOTIONS WATCH VIDEO BELOW FOR MORE DETAILS:

How to download dbc17 in android

How to play DBC game in android DBC stands for don Bradman cricket. Its a free game for ps4 users and Xbox users. This game was released for ps4 and Xbox one. This a cricket game. Its part 2 of don Bradman series. This game is developed by big aunt studios. They also made 1 game for android users named as big bash league cricket game. Its available on play store. But we are talking about dbc. After dbc they made a game know as ashes cricket. Now you can play dbc on android and its easy. Screenshots: Dbc 17 joined hands with Xbox emulator. Now you can play DBC in android. Its a big thing in cricket game history to play ps4 game on android. Its very nice they done good job because there are many people who use mobiles.  Requirements: 2gb ram Good internet connection 500 mb space or less How to download: Copy link Paste link on your browser Download emulator Play DBC 17  Enjoy Link of Dbc 17 android; pc download here;  Wat...

Wcc 2 problem solved this device is not compatible v2.7

   Wcc2 2018 update released Wcc2 is a game from next wave multimedia. Its freely available for android and iOS. There was so much hype about wcc2 2018 update. But now they gave surprise update which is quite awesome. We loved it. The update is fine. Its also little bit difficult so its not easy to play now. They made update with the help of nazara games. Wcc2 update is quite good but it also need some more work on it.           Update is not good as we were expecting. They takes a long long time to make this small update. Now we shall discuss what is the matter behind it. In some devices there is problem says your device is not compatible. But don't worry I am here with a bang solution. Its very simple and easy and you will be able to download wcc2 v2.7.  Download wcc2 latest version: Copy link and paste. Download both obb file and apk file. Watch below video to more information and next steps. Apk file link...

How to download real cricket 18 beta version

How to download real cricket 18 beta Its a game which every one was talking about. Its a new game. Its a cricket game its beta version is released as of now. There will be big features in this game as they posted analysis feature which was looking amazing. I thought I will be for IPL in game. Buts its good. You can download this beta here. This game is still amazing. Only few features will be not in game as of now. They will surely add more features in update. Its their first game who is in 3d. Its good. These games are changing point of view of games. The most unique feature is we can bowl dosra and caromball. We can also play different shots from different batsman. There will be some bugs in beta version but don't worry tell them they will fix it in future. How to download: Copy link or click it. Download beta and enjoy Download link:

Wcc2 March update

Wcc2 March Update Wcc2 is a famous game. Played over the world. It has changed gaming experience in android which is quite awesome. We are waiting for update but its end of Feb now will it come in march? Its a big question to be answered because their hype is getting low but fans are dissapointed a lot. They want to have experience of update. We will see what nextwave multimedia will do after Feb. In many mails they said its coming in this month but now it has ended. So what expect from them.                                                     Wcc2 2nd promo was released but no one noticed 1 thing. They showed 125 animations but they showed us only 25 to 50 max animations. So where are remaining 75 animations? Its also a big question. May be we can see a new promo but who knows this. I will post more about it in my next post so stay tuned…

How to download wwe mayhem

   Download WWE MAYHEM Its a free game available on playstore and other gaming apps. Wwe mayhem is a wrestling game from reliance company which is pretty big company. It has 7 million plus downloads. But there is some problem with game on some devices as it shows a message Your Device Is Not Compatible with this version.      Here is a solution for those. Who want to play. Screenshots: What You need to do to solve problem? You need to download from down link. Its a best wrestling game on android now. Its graphics are best as compared to games of wrestling available now on android. You can also play events and play with your favourite superstars. You can also play with your friends and multiplayer. You can also create your alliance to fight others ! How to download: 1.Copy link and paste. 2.Download. 3.Copy obb files 4..Enjoy Download link:

How to download fortnite for android

      Download fortnite for android Its a game where players all around the world come and play multiplayer. Its a game like pubg but little bit different from it. Screenshots Its a game free to play now its available on android.yYou can download this from here. Its a game where you fight and collect points to gain victory over players. Best game like pubg. Its an online multiplayer game. You interact with other players. Download here:

How to download PUBG in android

      How to play PUBG in android Its a game which was going to release for ps4 and Xbox. But now here is the way how to play it on android devices. In can be downloaded in both high and low proccesor devices of android. Screenshots: D Its a multiplayer game. This is game its open world you can fight with other players and all around the world. Its a surviver type game. You need to survive and fight them. You can customize your player. There are many games like this in play store but this is original for android you may like it. Steps to download: 1:copy link and paste in your browser or click on it. 2:download that ! 3:play and enjoy ! Download here: link1: Link2: .

Wcc2 February update release date

       Wcc2 2018 update release date 27 feb Today we going to discuss about what will be release date of wcc2 2018 update. Update has been postponed a lot we are waiting for update but got nothing from nextwave multimedia. Here they they are aiming in this month. This month consist of 28 days and a big game is already coming so what to expect.wcc2 2018 update will be released in this month before 28 if in this month because rc18 is going to be released. So this is what we can expect from them. If It don't comes this month then we can't say anything.we don't what's going inside company of nextwave multimedia. They are planning but when they release we can't expect when It will release. Stay tuned .... As news comes we will post here.

Wcc2 big news and information + emails

            Big news and information Wcc2 2018 update is coming soon.It created a big hype between their fans.Now the hype is not much as it was before.There were also many rumors that update will be paid for user. "Wcc2 said this will not paid".       Fans enjoyed this moment but what's next?? I will show you some emails and give you information according. So let's start it. In this you can see what they are saying. They are saying we want to deliver quality update not a small update.They also said they will get nothing by delaying or cheating with their fans. Yeah I Agree they will not get respect if they cheat. They are saying you will enjoy when update will come. They are requesting that allow us to complete their job so the update will release.            They also promised to give us a big and best update and asked us to stay tunned on their facebook page. Its good to see them working h...

Wcc2 features we need part 5

            Wcc2 features we need Career mode: Its a simple feature we need wcc2. In this feature we need career mode. Its like a career of a player in real life.It sounds amazing to be launched in game. Many of fans needed this feature for a very long long time but they did not bring it up. Fans are still waiting. In this feature we create our won character in game which is quite amazing. It will be good to see it into game. Change batsman: It will be good to see it into game. That we can change our batsman when it is hurt. Like in reality when batsman is hurted he is changed and another player from team comes to bat. It is an interesting feature we need to see in game like we are hutted by ball and we can change our batsman easily when necessary. More jerseys: We need to have more features like more jerseys of teams in wcc2 game. There are not more jerseys in game as of now. We need more jerseys and their different designs as there in...

How to download assassin creed identity

   ASSASSIN CREED IDENTITY DOWNLOAD Today I will tell you about an interesting game assassin creed.Its publisher is ubisoft.It was first released in Xbox and ps4.Now you can download it in android for free.Its an interesting game and adventure game.I love to play this game. Play and enjoy the game ! Graphics are good. Its a story type game. In which one characters completes his tasks. Steps to download: 1 .Download apk file 2 .Download data file 3 .Move data to android/data 4 .Now play game and enjoy ! Download links: Apk file: Obb file:

How to Download GTA San andreas

            GTA SAN ANDREAS ITS A GAME BY ROCKSTAR. ITS PAID ON ANDROID AND IOS. HERE YOU WILL GET IT FREE OF COST. IT WAS RELEASED AFTER GTA VICE CITY. ROCKSTARS GAMES IS KNOWN AS A NAME OF GOOD GAMES. SOME GAMEPLAY SECREENSHOTS: Download link : Download link 2: Description Five years ago, Carl Johnson escaped from the pressures of life in Los Santos, San Andreas, a city tearing itself apart with gang trouble, drugs and corruption. Where filmstars and millionaires do their best to avoid the dealers and gangbangers. Now, it’s the early 90’s. Carl’s got to go home. His mother has been murdered, his family has fallen apart and his childhood friends are all heading towards disaster. On his return to the neighborhood, a couple of corrupt cops frame him for homicide. CJ is forced on a journey that takes him across the entire state of San Andreas, to save his family and to take control of the streets. Rockstar...

Hungama cricket Download

             HUNGAMA CRICKET Its a cricket game.It also includes many modes in it.Graphics are good play and enjoy ! Download Link: Download from there 👍


                   WCC2 POSTPONED WHY ? wcc2 is saying that they are working on the upadte.They are testing a lot but there are many bugs ?                           WHATS NEXT ? STAY TUNED !                      FAKE WCC2 3RD PROMO there are many news about 3rd promo of wcc2 update but the truth is that is fan made.ONE of the fans of wcc2 made 3D promo and it was same like that many beleived that as true but that was fan made.